
What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a non-invasive form of holistic therapy, based on the idea that there are points on the hands and feet which correspond to organs, systems and structures in the body. There are thousands of nerve endings in the feet and it is thought that when pressure is applied to these areas and points, it stimulates the movement of energy along the nerve channels and helps to calm and restore balance to the body. It works on energy pathways similar to those in acupuncture.

What happens in a Reflexology Session?

Our Reflexologist will take a medical and background history.

Your feet will be cleansed and massaged, followed by the treatment, which uses gentle pressure and circular movement with the fingers and thumbs, to work on specific areas. The room has low lighting and gentle music playing, to help with a sense of calm and relaxation.

The treatment is completed with a massage of the feet.

What are the benefits of Reflexology?

Reflexology is very relaxing and has many benefits including:

·    Boosting the immune system

·    Reducing stress and anxiety

·    Helping with hormonal imbalances

·    Improving circulation and lymphatic flow

·    Inducing sleep and balancing irregular sleep patterns

·    Helping to reduce digestive problems related to stress and anxiety

·    Promoting an overall sense of relaxation and well-being