Self Help for Young People

These pages contain lots of useful information about how you can help yourself. It’s worth reading through them all as there are lots of hints and tips that can be helpful for any difficult feelings you may be experiencing.

The most important bit of advice is to talk to someone you trust. This may be a friend, a parent, a staff member at your educational base or your GP. Talking can really help put things into perspective and the people you talk to can help you get the support you may need.

  • Socialise
  • Find time to relax
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Exercise and fresh air
  • Music, reading, gaming – activities you enjoy that help distract you
  • Change negative thoughts into positive ones – “I really don’t want to go to school today” could be “When I get home from school I’m going to the cinema with a friend.” Or, “I can’t bear another day of being bullied” to “Today I’m going to tell someone about it and get support.”
  • Make time to treat yourself – pizza for tea, a makeover, bubble bath, time out with friends, watch a film.
  • Think of a time and place where you felt really happy and peaceful. When you’re feeling sad, angry, anxious, imagine this time and place in your head. Think about the feelings you felt then, imagine the sounds and physical sensations you had when you were there.
  • Write it down – write down your worries then you can make time to talk about them or even tear them up and throw them away!
  • Get some counselling. You may have a counsellor at your educational base or your GP can refer you to a counselor. If your parents can afford it they can pay for a private counsellor.
  • Mindfulness is an approach that takes you out of your head and into your body. There are loads of Apps out there you can download like Headspace. A simple technique is 3,2,1
  • Name 3 things you can see then close your eyes
  • Name 3 things you can feel (physical or feelings)
  • Name 3 things you can hear
  • Repeat with 2 things then 1 thing, each one must be different.

This is a quick technique for getting you to stop thinking and really be in the here and now. Remember, you are not alone and there are lots of people that can help you!